
Cultivating Confident Voices: Elevate Your Public Speaking with MUN!

Welcome to the MUN Club! 

Unlock the World's Diplomatic Playground! Join our MUN Club and become a global leader in diplomacy, debate, and problem-solving. Your passport to a world of possibilities awaits!


What is MUN?

Model United Nations (MUN) is a dynamic simulation where students step into the shoes of real-world diplomats, representing different countries and debating global issues. Participants develop essential skills in diplomacy, public speaking, research, and negotiation as they work together to find innovative solutions to complex international challenges. MUN is a platform that fosters global awareness, critical thinking, and leadership, empowering students to become effective advocates for positive change.

Why you should join HWUD MUN Club

HWUD MUN Club is your gateway to a world of opportunity and personal growth. Here, you'll not only enhance your public speaking skills but also become a global citizen with the ability to tackle pressing international issues. Our club provides a supportive and engaging environment where you can build confidence, make lifelong friends, and develop the leadership skills necessary for success in any field. Seize the opportunity to unlock your full potential with HWUD MUN Club today!

When are sessions held?

Mark your calendars for our engaging sessions every Tuesday (Room 1.29) and Wednesday (Room 5.09), where we come together from 3 pm to 5 pm. See you there!

are you waiting for!

Join our MUN Club today and embark on a journey of personal growth, global awareness, and meaningful connections. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a dynamic community dedicated to shaping future leaders and making a positive impact on the world. We can't wait to welcome you into our passionate and driven team – together, we'll unlock the potential for positive change and create lasting memories. Join us, and let's make a difference, one debate at a time!

Join the whatsapp group using the following link today!

You can join the whatsapp group using the following link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Gq7h14YkUQAE39UHHgCsXA


President: Athiya Junaid / aj2041@hw.ac.uk 

Vice-President: Qabas Abubakr / qna2000@hw.ac.uk




Vice President Elections 2024-25

1 post is up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Sunday 28 July 2024 (in 34 hours)

The polls open at 09:00 on Monday 29 July 2024 (in 43 hours)

ICE Society Elections

7 posts are up for election.

Nominations are now closed.

The polls are open and will close at 23:59 on Monday 29 July 2024 (in 2 days and 10 hours)


Finance Requests